Like “I will be less controlling.” Believe it or not, that’s a really tough one for me. Because naturally, unavoidably, indisputably I am soooo much better at EVERYTHING than anyone…
And that someone would be … (drumroll) … ME! How so? Well, sometimes I have a tendency to turn completely innocent situations into tragedies. (In)conveniently, I can’t come up with…
Have I ever been furious with someone? You bet! Why? Well, let’s roll the camera backwards …. just for funsies. Let’s say, I am moody because John made fun of me. John, on…
Have you ever had someone or something kinda sorta explode in your face? I have. Let me start with the “something” before I get to the “someone.” I have a friend who can never…
I used to swear whenever something went wrong. Then came 9/11/2001. I heard about people who had been furious about missing their planes … until they learned that missing their planes had saved their lives….
Back in the days, I mean like EONS ago, I shared an apartment with another student. One day I came home and he welcomed me with anguish and despair in his eyes. “What happened?”…
… beat yourself up for something? I did – just the other day. Wasn’t the first time either. As usual, it came as a Voice in my head spouting out all kinds of invectives. Listening to…
Some years ago, we adopted a dog. Sherman. Luckily he was already six years old and knew how to be a dog and live with humans because we sure needed some training in…
The other day I was waiting for a parking space. I was sitting in my car, trying not to be in anybody’s way, while patiently watching a Beamer sloooowly pull…
You might not be able to relate, but for me, not getting my way is more of a rule than an exception. Worse yet, “my way” has no entertainment value whatsoever. The “highway,”…
… not just in trying times, but in general. An example might be when a co-worker asks me to follow up on a complaint. Strictly speaking, that would be part…
Ready for this? My husband has a knack for tidying stuff away in the kitchen. In general, that’s a good thing even though at times he stores away meals I…
That sounds so weird, I can’t even begin to describe how difficult it is for my brain to rewire itself to this “new normal” and to find ways to act accordingly. I huddle…
Lately I have been thinking about the speck that we see in our brother’s eye while we don’t see the beam in our own. That is from the Bible, of…