Brigitte's Corner

So, I was thinking …

By June 24, 2020 December 18th, 2024 One Comment

The other day I was waiting for a parking space. I was sitting in my car, trying not to be in anybody’s way, while patiently watching a Beamer sloooowly pull out … and out … and out … until he was finally out … only to have another Beamer shoot across the street and jump right into MY spot. Oohoo! Let me tell you!

“What the what?!?” I screamed in thought. “I have been waiting here for 5 minutes, you ignorant little … somebody! But why would YOU care?!? As long as YOU get what YOU want, YOU, YOU … somebody! You think you can get away with everything, don’t you? Common respect and concern for your fellow people is infamously outdated, isn’t it?”

Those were my thoughts. Well, an excerpt of them. I entertained many more while I was looking for another parking space, and running errands, and driving home, and cooking dinner, and lying in bed at the end of the day.

Of course, I was unable to fall asleep that night. I lay awake for hours and hours, all the while fuming. Then, roundabout 4 AM it hit me. (I am a slow learner …) What upset me wasn’t so much what had happened. What upset me was all the thinking I was doing. Having all these thoughts was like watching a movie. Sure, at the movies the story takes place on a screen, whereas at home, lying in my bed, the thoughts were acting out in my head. In either case, nothing actually happened. Only my poor body never knew the difference and suffered, tortured by all the artificially created feelings. No wonder I couldn’t sleep! Duh!

So, on second thought, I think that I have to stop thinking about it. Not by disregarding what had happened. The parking space was gone. Like really, really gone. But, seriously, cry me a river! It’s over. Done. Finished!

I mean, honestly, what good will all that thinking do AT 4 AM IN THE MORNING at that!?! Will it retroactively pull the space out from under the parking space thugs and give it to its rightful short-term parker, ME that is? No. Will it protect me from future parking space thugs? No. Will it make the parking space thugs feel appropriately mortified and forgo committing suchlike heinous acts again? I wish, but nope, my thoughts do not have that kind of power. All my thoughts can do is make me (and only me!) feel miserable.

Now, THINK about that one! Or rather, let’s NOT think about that one but get a good night rest instead! Booyah!

Brigitte K. Schneider
aka Ms. World’s Best Parking Attendant

Copyright © 2018, Brigitte K. Schneider. If you wish to quote text from this article contact the author by leaving a comment.

One Comment

  • Carol Byron says:

    I loved this writing. It’s happened to me a few times and I felt the same way. If people can be that rude with a blooming parking spot can you imagine what their life is!🤪😒

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