Brigitte's Corner

What do a cauliflower, dog poop, and forgetfulness have in common?

By July 15, 2020 December 18th, 2024 No Comments

Some years ago, we adopted a dog. Sherman. Luckily he was already six years old and knew how to be a dog and live with humans because we sure needed some training in that department. Truth be told, even to this day I have trouble at times remembering all the things I need to walk him!

In my defense, walking a dog requires a “shipload” of stuff. You’d think I was going cross country! There is the water bottle, the phone, the leash, sunglasses, reading glasses, keys, some treats, tissues, lip balm, a magnifier and tweezers (in case Sherman steps on a thorn), a sweater for me and a sweater for Sherman (in case it is cold), a cooling vest for Sherman (in case it is hot), a flashlight (in case it is dark), an LED neck collar for Sherman (so I can see him in the dark) and last (but not least) a waste bag … or two.

Of course, I always forget something! Most likely the one thing I need the most.

Like the other day …

I walked Sherman and when we arrived at the mailboxes, he sat down and refused to continue walking. I didn’t mind since it gave me time to ponder what to bring to the potluck we were invited to that night.

Five minutes later (Sherman still sitting and I still pondering), friends of mine drove by. They stopped, jumped out of the car, and gifted me a beautiful, fresh cauliflower. I looked at it and chuckled. “That’s it! Cauliflower au gratin! That’s what I’m going to take to the potluck!”

At that point Sherman decided to move on. Shortly after he found a nice spot on the greenbelt to do his business. I dug deep into my arsenal of dog-walking paraphernalia and, of course, I had brought everything but waste bags. Great!

Shifting the cauliflower from my friends from hand to hand to get a better view of the insides of my “doggy bag,” I noticed that it was wrapped in a sturdy, thick plastic bag. “Thank you, friends!” I smiled. “Fortunately, some of us are making sure I have everything I need!”

I unwrapped the cauliflower and used the plastic bag to scoop up the poop. And off we went. Home. To cook. The cauliflower, of course. Not the poop.

Now back to the beginning: What do a cauliflower, dog poop, and forgetfulness have in common? I have no idea. It just sounded like a great title. Or maybe they do have something in common and I forgot. Just like I forgot the waste bag.

Wait a moment …
Waste bag?
That’s what these three things have in common! A bag! Duh!

Brigitte K. Schneider
aka Ms. Scatterbrain

Copyright © 2018, Brigitte K. Schneider. If you wish to quote text from this article contact the author by leaving a comment.

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