I have no idea how it works exactly, but this is how it goes:
When I am in a bad mood or when I’m hurting inside, my initial reaction is to lash out. And if I don’t watch myself, I will.
Yep. That’s how it is. In those moments I am certainly not my best self, nor am I aware that I want to pass on my pain. And I find myself *that* close to becoming a paragon of the old adage, “Hurt people hurt people.”
For example, someone parks their car so close to mine that I can barely squeeze myself into the driver seat. I am irked and if I could get away with it, I would slam my car door into theirs, making sure I leave enough dents and scratches to teach them a lesson. Not that it would make me feel better, but hey, misery loves company.
I always thought “misery loves company” means that if I am hurting, it helps to have someone by my side to comfort me.
But what it actually means (according to Google) is that if I am in a pit feeling bad, I want you to be there with me feeling just as bad.
It probably does not come as a surprise that this definition happens to coincide with my own observations: When I am hurting, I iiiitch to hurt others. Even if that means that I have to drag them down myself should they refuse to follow me voluntarily. Of course, that comes with all the trimmings. Like, if they’re initially not as miserable as I am, I will totally change that as well. It’s the least I can do as the host of the pit … 😈😉
Brigitte K. Schneider
aka Ms. “Drag” Queen
Copyright © 2021, Brigitte K. Schneider. If you wish to quote text from this article contact the author by leaving a comment.